HOOK'22 Room Reservations Are Now AvailableJan 18, 2022Hook'22 ● September 8-10, 2022 ● Nugget Casino, Reno, NV Celebrating the Centenary of U.S. Navy Aircraft Carriers. You are now able to book your rooms at the Nugget Casino. Rooms are going fast!To book, please use the links below using the codes:Active Duty | Code: GTAILA2Standard Rooms | Code: GTAIL22
Hook'22 ● September 8-10, 2022 ● Nugget Casino, Reno, NV Celebrating the Centenary of U.S. Navy Aircraft Carriers. You are now able to book your rooms at the Nugget Casino. Rooms are going fast!To book, please use the links below using the codes:Active Duty | Code: GTAILA2Standard Rooms | Code: GTAIL22